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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • … Bad actors who all have ties to american religious institutions.

    Education slashed by religious politicians backed by religious pundits and think tanks.

    Media run by religious big wigs who push puritan religious values on their channels.

    Culture pushes driven by religious talking heads who repeat religious talking points about religious traditions and beliefs on all topics from science to gender to race to politics.

    Its still religion, youre just pointing at both of its arms and claiming its two people.

  • Creators have repeatedly spoken about how their videos and channels get suppressed priority if their videos arent released on a regular rapid timeline. Massive creators with huge followings can push through that by way of having insanely large fanbases who have notifications turned on. That does not change the facts of youtubes prioritization system.

    Thats a nonsense excuse, because the autoplay doesnt pause at 2 minutes, and swearing within the time limit doesnt take you out of potential autoplay queue. Its because advertisers dont want swears in proximity to their ads, which is why the video gets demonetized. Youtube themselves said this when they established the policy.

    Ok. And? That means literally nothing, youtube pays creators signifigantly less for not meeting the 10 min mark even when the number of ads run is not different. No one gives a shit what you were reccomended. Youtube still runs the same number of ads on 4-9 minute videos while paying the channel less for not crossing the threshold.

  • “Sure Ill be glad to vaccinate if I get covid. If, if, if! But I dont have it now! Theres no real reason to vaccinate now, I dont need it!”

    The point of a precaution is to do it before the concerned event happens. And when multiple countries have politicians discussing cashless, and with actual businesses beginning to stop taking cash in favor of card, the advent of the retiring of physical money is an actual event that is visible on the horizon.

    You will need the existence of fully finished infrastructure for digital cash before you can safely use it. We. Do. Not. Have. That. Infrastructure. If cash is killed next year? Youre fucked. We need to figure that out before we need it to be online and usable.

    And while no, bitcoin specifically is likely not the answer, it is the reason why people are hunting for a better solution.

  • Its the same use case as cash.

    If all money goes digital, you lose the ability to make unsupervised purchases.

    Harr harr, yes drugs. But also condoms or plan b pills, which magically became a political target recently. Or any other previously innocuous thing that could someday shift into a political target.

    That tracking also means anyone who buys that data can profile you. Card charges at the same store every work day? Someone who cares knows where you go for lunch. Maybe its a stalker, maybe just an advertiser trying to get you specific ads. Do you want either having that info? Buying the same specific goods for meals, or hobbies, on a regular basis? Ad companies love that, they can up prices on things your data says is a dependant purchase.

    You dont want your entire purchase history trackable. Its not about having things to hide, its about not wanting someone to be able to pick you apart like a lab rat. Cash helps this, but lots of groups and people want a cashless society.

    If cashless ever becomes a reality, you want a digital cash replacement to already be in place, if not underway. Better that the concept gets worked out now while we still have cash, than scrambling to set it up in a future where cash retires.