Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Nobody beats my high scores. Nobody.

    E: actually, some trivia. You have seen those “your speed” signs with an led readout? Now I can’t say how I know this, but - at least on some variants, models, etc - there is an upper limit/safety check. “if user’s speed variable is higher than X, turn off the sign, it’s malfunctioning” logic. So, just for a hypothetical situation, the assigned speed limit is 25mph but you go through at, I don’t know, let’s pick a number that is absolutely not what I tested, and say 60. The readout will reach that number as the user accelerates towards it, hit the upper limit, immediately shutoff, and will (afaik) need to be reset manually. Returning hours later reveals a dead readout. Returning a couple days later, oh hey it’s back.

    So we already have this, but it’d be nice to get scores higher than like ~40 over. And history, sharing…

  • Same. I did have a therapist a few years ago that I told some real bad shit to, but that was after a couple of years of building trust; I was still scared of getting a pair of grippy socks. I went to see them because of a… let’s go with a ‘stopped suicide attempt’. Stroke at a young age, fiancé left me, no hope, career goals shattered, physically fucked, financially ruined, etc so rock bottom was looking down at me like ‘damn bro I’m sorry’.

    A few close friends know things that others don’t, shit I’m not about to spill here. But it’s because they either have been in a similar situation and we have worked to keep each other alive and going, or they have degrees in the field of mental health and don’t mind trying to keep my head above water, or they are my (ex, current, etc) partner.

    There’s no fucking way I’m going to just casually be like “you ever just want to go to the roof, get right on the ledge, shoot yourself - and in case that doesn’t take you out, the concrete walkway at the foot of the 20 story fall will finish the job? No? Just me then? Ha, funny. I hate life. Haha.”

  • USAA does this. I renentl learned that, when I updated my password a few years back to my personal standard number of characters, everything was good until someone mentioned this fuck-up in a thread. USAA only checks the first… 16? characters. I assume it just discards anything beyond that. Other users say that it warns and doesn’t let you enter more than that during password creation, but it/my pw mgr sure didn’t care, as I have a password several fold that limit. I took out a couple characters from my ‘set’ password, and it still logged in just fine. 16, just fine. 15, error.

    Fucking wild.

  • Rant but mostly venting to the void - reply to both you and parent comment, my thoughts:

    I have games that are 20+ years old that I’m still clocking gametime in. Games with dedicated communities, still-going multi-player, mods, game improvements…

    If a game becomes intentionally unavailable, I - and everyone else - should get a full refund. Full stop, no exceptions, no bullshit store credit. Money back in my account. You don’t expect someone to repo your phone, car, or house after 3 years of “ownership”, why is literally anything any different?

    In current times, I’m super pissed at The Crew getting axed, and I plan to only yarr content published by ubi now. They can’t be trusted, so it’s not my fault, but theirs.

    I have unannounced/anticipated games on my radar that I’m already planning on ‘wait, see’ or ‘only the base game’ because I see the shift to ‘lease ownership’ and ‘everything is a bundle of parts’. Current games that I have thousands of hours in, but due to bugs, cheating (with no response from devs), added after-purchase ‘packs’ when I bought the fancy bullshit version to have the “whole game”, etc that I now value at 1/5th of the full asking price I paid - I’m tired of this garbage. Being a “beta” (alpha, in some cases) early access guinea pig is not a fucking perk. Promises of content later is not a fucking perk. Always online is not a fucking perk.

    Game time isn’t the only metric; for me, at the bare minimum, the game has to be good - I shouldn’t fight a game every step of the way to draw enjoyment from it (related: stop trying to use players’ in-game creations to prop up the game itself and it’s core content) - and it has to remain mine, forever. Maybe I’m getting old, but at least I’m not a fool. A purchase is a purchase, not a temporary allotment.

    And (because why not) I fucking despise going to the theater. Other people are annoying, can’t pause the film to take a piss, sticky/cum-soaked floors adhering fuck-knows-what to your shoes, noisy phones going off, $12 for a midday showing + a snack and drink is another $9. If you go to a fancy theater, you can order a microwaved burger and fries right from your seat for only $31. They cannot go away fast enough.

    Games used to be $20, you got the full game, forever, sometimes with multi-player that you can host yourself, forever, sometimes with free DLC, forever. Now they want $80 and are trying to say that they have the right to take it back and still keep the money. Fuck em all. Except indie devs. But I’m watching you.

    Anyway. That was cathartic. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

  • Me, with a 7800X3D:

    My ex, with a 7800X3D:

    Anotger friend, with a 7600:

    Collectively: “why would we upgrade just one generation?”

    Like, sure, I have a Threadripper 1st and 2nd gen. I’m weird like that. I have a VII and a 7900 XTX. But the 7xxx is fine. I went from TR 2950X to the 7800X3D. Do I want more cores? Fuck yeah. Am I going to pay thousands of dollars for a modern high-core TR? Lmfao no.

    If I was building a new machine for someone, sure, 9xxx. But shit, even a 3xxx in my network is still kicking ass. Why the hell would I upgrade when I don’t want to? And the 7xxx is cheaper and - mostly - offers the same performance.

    Drop the price if they want to sell more, simple as that. And don’t expect upgrades every release family.