A coalition of civil liberties and immigrant rights groups have sued the Trump administration for detaining migrants incommunicado at the offshore prison camp in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, after they were initially taken into custody in the United States.

  • tamal3@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    And for not doing enough to help people who are really struggling, and for taking bribes and for insider trading, and for being for corporations and money over regular people, and for war mongering, and for not giving people a path toward citizenship, and for not undoing the post-9/11 war power bullshit, and for not advocating for voting reform, and for shipping our jobs overseas, and for their lack of transparency, etc etc etc.

    Do I need to say this everytime someone gives a little criticism where it’s due? The good guys are doing a TERRIBLE job.

    Ftr I vote Democrat in every fucking election, and I hate this goddamned party. I just hate them significantly less than the other party.

    Get rid of fptp. Get rid of the 2 party system. Get us an actual democracy. Fucking hell, people. YES the Democratic party is fucked the fuck up. That doesn’t mean I’m voting for anyone else, but they goddamn suck ass.