If you actually like beer, you should know that warmer beer (or anything else) actually allows you to taste it better. There’s a reason Budweiser is served so damn cold. There’s a lot of beers I prefer to be around room temperature.
That’s fine. It’s a preference thing whether you like it or not. Warmer things you can taste better though. For example, usually good sake is drank warm and bad sake is drank cold.
Personally, saisons I like to be warmer. It really helps their smell and flavor come through. I don’t mean warm though, just warmer. Around room temperature or so.
If you actually like beer, you should know that warmer beer (or anything else) actually allows you to taste it better. There’s a reason Budweiser is served so damn cold. There’s a lot of beers I prefer to be around room temperature.
I’ve tried many different beers. Loved some, hated others. I do not drink Budweiser, I drink Canadian and European beer.
I’ve never had a beer in my life that tasted better when warm. If I want a warm drink I’ll drink coffee or tea.
Ice cream also tastes a lot stronger when warm. I doubt many people prefer warm ice cream.
That’s fine. It’s a preference thing whether you like it or not. Warmer things you can taste better though. For example, usually good sake is drank warm and bad sake is drank cold.
Personally, saisons I like to be warmer. It really helps their smell and flavor come through. I don’t mean warm though, just warmer. Around room temperature or so.
Beer bromance.
Happening before our own eyes.
My heart is full.