The would need to crash another order of magnitude for anything to happen. Tesla’s stock is crazy overvalued even now and the only justification for the over-valuation is the track record and insane over-promises of Musk. That’s the reality as investors see it. They will still bet on him until they’re thoroughly convinced that he’s not the golden child anymore.
With overvaluation its meant that they are the most valuable car manufacturer while having made the fewest cars (at least among the large ones and this is before tesla stock tanked)
Most of the stockvalue tessla has is made from musk generated hype, not from the company making cars.
The would need to crash another order of magnitude for anything to happen. Tesla’s stock is crazy overvalued even now and the only justification for the over-valuation is the track record and insane over-promises of Musk. That’s the reality as investors see it. They will still bet on him until they’re thoroughly convinced that he’s not the golden child anymore.
Yeah, so i drove my brothers brand new, fully loaded model X. That shit was sweet
until you hit a speed bump with the wrong vibe then it’s more fire than sweet, in a more literal than metaphoric way.
I actually like Teslas, I just hate Elon more. Fuck that narcissistic piece of shit.
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With overvaluation its meant that they are the most valuable car manufacturer while having made the fewest cars (at least among the large ones and this is before tesla stock tanked)
Most of the stockvalue tessla has is made from musk generated hype, not from the company making cars.
I am not arguing about the car quality