You don’t say! Color me shocked
That’s one of the regulations they ignored.
But now with the chevron ruling overturned, I doubt there isn’t much the epa will be able to do
Some utter geniuses were saying this was a good thing to put it in the hands of the judiciary when Chevron got overturned. Not sure what they were saying about the judiciary the next day…
Everyone else does with no repercussions so why not
The $upreme Court: No they didn’t!
“The plastic was executing its official functions and didn’t have an abortion in the last 6 months, it would be unconditional to try to regulate it”.
Nooooo… Really?
I’m sure they will face swift and appropriate consequences.I’ve got a wet bus ticket if the legal system wants to borrow it.
The research from the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) details the widespread burdens that plastic pollution places on US cities and states and argues that plastic producers may be breaking public nuisance, product-liability, and consumer-protection laws.