Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.
There are large numbers of pastors, priests, and teachers. Even if we expect pedophilia to be no more common in these professions than others, due to their proximity to children such crimes will be common. So I don’t think the takeaway from this kind of google search should be that such professions are especially pedophilic.
It’s not the profession that’s the problem, but there is evidence that problem people gravitate to such professions where they have that position of power.
There are large numbers of pastors, priests, and teachers. Even if we expect pedophilia to be no more common in these professions than others, due to their proximity to children such crimes will be common. So I don’t think the takeaway from this kind of google search should be that such professions are especially pedophilic.
It’s not the profession that’s the problem, but there is evidence that problem people gravitate to such professions where they have that position of power.