The IRS rules governing nonprofits still required the Mozilla Foundation to beg big to go big: the parent had to go find big grants from Soros, Ford, Knight, MacArthur, and give smaller grants to many. This put it in the lefties-only-no-righty-Irish-need-apply revolving-door personnel sector of NGOs and nonprofits (too many glowies there for me, too). Which meant I had a hostile MoFo over my head the minute I got CEO appointment from the MoCo board…
Of course I can’t comment on anything about my exit, for reasons that only the most loopy HN h8ers still can’t figure out.
Brave browser is a litmus test.
I understood what he said. Strip out some rude terms and it sounds accurate. The comments here sound like someone shouted “squirrel” to a pack of rabid dogs.
I also lack common sense and am posting this comment. In my feeble defense I really don’t know the guy, and suspect he likes baiting others
This spineless mouth breather just realised there’s a buck to be made by glazing other alt-right mouth breathers. At least he can finally be himself now. Thankfully, his product is just google chrome repackaged and thereby sucks major ass.
Sounds like pretty standard far right brainrot.
That’s a damn shame. Any other browsers look good on a tablet?
I like Vivaldi
Old guy, here…
WTF is a “glowie”?
Glowie, also known as a Glown****, is a slang term popular on 4chan’s /pol/ board used in reference to CIA or other governmental agents posing as ordinary 4chan users in order to bait others into sharing incriminating information.
In 2017, schizophrenic computer programmer Terry Davis, known for his TempleOS software that he claimed was dictated to him by God and meant to be God’s third temple, made a video showing off various aspects of TempleOS. In the video, Terry says, “The CIA n*****s glow in the dark, you can see them if you’re driving. You just run them over, that’s what you do.”
The term “glow in the dark” refers to the obvious nature of their camouflage, leaving them exposed when they’re trying to hide in the shadows.
In fairness to Brave CEO I did not know it had racist origins and only thought it referred to the last paragraph.
Thanks for the reply!
It’s fucking weird that not 3 or 4 days ago… I was literally reading about Davis. And the glowing CIA ranting that he was doing. Total coincidence
That’s the problem with racist bullshit. They scrape the racism off and peddle it everywhere until it’s widely accepted and not tied to it’s roots anymore.
Terry A. Davis popularised the term. He was a software engineer that ended up with a very bad case of schizophrenia. While unemployed due to his illness, he streamed while working on his own operating system that he built with the intention of “communicating with God”. While streaming, he used to go on these rants about how federal agents are spying on him, calling them “glowies” more often than not along the n word with a very hard r at the end. The term “glowies” has very racist associations.
In other words, you need to be somewhat fairly far down the alt-right pipeline if you actually talk about “glowies”.
TempleOS is legit super impressive, it’s a shame the dude was pretty much insane but also that’s probably what it takes to code an entire OS from scratch entirely by yourself.
It comes from Terry A. Davis’s description of CIA, FBI and the like: “They glow in the dark”
That statements is actually infused with some racial epithets.
Brave has always seemed shady to me. I mean it has built in crypto spam.
brave is just chromium, i wonder when google wants to cut them off down the line.
Chromium is open source, so Google can’t cut them off.
Well. They can stop updating the open source code, create manifest v4 and now all chromium browsers are shit out of luck.
Oh that queer hating fuck is still around?
Most of them are.
Good thing I quit brave a few years ago when they did that Crypto shit.
Of course they did…
Someone’s been munching Elon’s Special K for breakfast. New marketing tagline just dropped tho:
Brave browser, because you’d have to be brave to use a browser built by a Nazi
How about just:
Brave: We’re not!
and downing dom perrignon for breakfast lunc and dinner.
Wow, ketamine is a hell of a drug.
usually ketamine would have an opposite effect, other things like alcohol and stimulants will amplify those things. much like musk, he probably uses alcohol alot too.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic. As someone who has always struggled with depression and has done ketamine, it does seem like it would be a good fast-acting, but short half-life anti-depressant (the afterglow lasts well after the buzz). Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term. Heard it messes up your bladder.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic.
It’s a dissociative. Its effects are more like PCP than like alcohol. I wouldn’t use the term “psychedelic” for its effects-- the biochemical pathways are different as well.
Heard it messes up your bladder.
The metabolites burn your bladder severely enough that you can end up pissing blood. The body load seems to be high as well, frequent users look grey and washed-out, and it damages your cognition.
Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term.
I’ve known a few. They started fiending like junkies, lost jobs, destroyed relationships. It’s a dirty drug and, unless you’re getting professional treatment for PTSD, the best advice I can give is to avoid it and to avoid people who use it.
I have some ketamine using friends, it is still way better than coke. I tried it once but dis not feel it’s effect at all 😆 the one who invited me explained it’s effect as I describe my neurodivergence symptoms 🤣 we came to the conclusion that it may makes non neurodivergent people just a bit neurodivergent 🤪
But we were stoned at a music festival, so there is that
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
can’t believe the homophobic crypto nut would also be a right wing loon
crypto, homophobia, fits in with conservatives they all believe in these types of scams. either they buy into crypto, or they are peddling it-themselves.
It’s always the ones you most expect
Right? How could anyone possibly be shocked by this?
Look, fool me sixteen times, shame one you. Fool me twenty six times, shame on you. We won’t get fooled again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on glue.