Palestinian film director and Academy Award-winner Hamdan Ballal was violently attacked by what his colleague described as a “lynch mob” of Israeli settlers on Monday night in the Palestinian village of Susya, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
Ballal’s whereabouts are now unknown after Israeli soldiers then seized him from the ambulance that arrived to treat him, his co-director and fellow Oscar winner of the documentary No Other Land, Yuval Abraham, said on X.
Abraham, a journalist for +972 magazine, said in a separate post featuring a shaky cell phone video that masked settlers “attacked Hamdan’s village, they continued to attack American activists, breaking their car with stones”.
Here is the video of the beginning of the attack. Posted by Yuval Abraham on Twitter:
there can be no peace while the structure of the state of israel, the ideological apparatus that sustains it, and the support of the colonial nations of the west, remain standing. and jewish people themselves should know that.
there used to be a joke about how israel is like a former well educated university professor who made the aliyah after being ran over by a german truck driver, and used to throw stones at the poor palestinian 14-year old washergirl who lives in the backlot. now the father of the girl threw some stones back and the professor went full priklopil keeping the whole family at his basement, trturing and rping them on a daily basis.
For anyone wondering:
Aliyah: is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to, historically, the geographical Land of Israel or the Palestine region, which is today chiefly represented by the State of Israel.
priklopil: Natascha Maria Kampusch (born 17 February 1988) is an Austrian author and former talk show host. At the age of 10, on 2 March 1998, she was abducted and held in a secret cellar by her kidnapper Wolfgang Přiklopil for more than eight years, until she escaped on 23 August 2006.
That’s a tough joke.
Yeah, I don’t see the humor. Maybe doesn’t translate well.
They had the right to defend themselves!
The mob only had peaceful intentions and he clearly looked at them funny.
What where they supposed to do, undergo this vicious, clearly antisemitic act?He was not lynched. Lynching implies killing. He was assaulted, yes, but not lynched.
How does it feel to be so absolutely wrong?
Ah yes we didn’t “kill him” we “almost killed him” thank you internet stranger. For if it weren’t for you, this article would’ve spread false narratives
The previous commenter is buried way down so here is again
He was assaulted by a lynch mob.
The difference is basically just grammar.
Confusing title, I would’ve expected those to happen in a different order
Everyday I an increasingly disgusted by the actions of Israel.
I hope some of this disgust has translated into more action than just posting.
Your disgust has a scale that ranks higher than genocide?
Maybe you can be aware of it but you can slowly appreciate it in all of its horror.
Murder -> ethnic cleansing -> genocide -> Dantes Inferno!
I’m not quite sure that that’s the word you mean to use….
Which one? Sorry English is my 3rd language.
Oh you said ethical cleansing instead of ethnic cleansing. Those two words have incredibly different meanings
Ty whoopsies.
Technically you have a kidnapping not a lynching. Lynching leave more evidence.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Zionism indoctrination since childhood.
Religion brain rot
No, settler colonialism
Do you think that they’d displace other Jewish people if they were living there already? I’m pretty sure its the religious fanaticism fueling this.
You know that Palestinian Jews were a people before the formation of Israel, right?
Yes they straight up have displaced Jewish Palestinians.
Emboldened by religion. They work hand in hand.
Imagine a country where the KKK took over the government.
I can think of one…
One of the best proofs that the Zionist genociders use antisemitism as a shield is that if they wanted to go after an actual antisemite with an Oscar, all this time they could have lynched Mel Gibson and everyone would support them.
I don’t think the antisemites would support them.
Somehow, the overwhelming replies in this thread are about semantics rather than the absolute unconscionable act perpetrated by an invading populace upon native civilians.
The IDF should rename to IDGF, fits more with the character.
People love to prove how “smart” they are. It’s extremely reliable.
I unfortunately still mindlessly scroll Facebook when I’m bored. When I see some kind of obvious rage bait, people will trip over themselves to comment about it, even if a thousand other people have already said what they came to say.
The kind of things I’m taking about are like this. Completely mispronouncing a common word in every single video. The kind of word that no one ever mispronounces. Or someone opens their refrigerator to get something out of it and there’s random items conspicuously placed in it that obviously didn’t belong there.
The kind of things that anyone with half a brain knows is purposefully done. And yet thousands of people will shit themselves trying to get the comments opened so they can correct the record.
“engagement” and “content” made us so desensitised to violence that we’ve collectively lost the ability to empathise.
100 years later and “the death of one is a tragedy, the death of 1M is statistics” is still relevant. Fuck…
Every Reddit thread about any serious topic is this. It blows my mind how many people get hung up on arguing about semantics. Or just parroting the same hive mind bullshit without giving it a second thought.
It’s filibuster to distract people. IDF has sock puppets on every social media imaginable.
tbf its now more people complaining about the people complaining about semantics.
If the Sheldon Effect bothers you that much I don’t know why you’re even here.
LPT: for the sake of your sanity stay off Reddit.
We can ask people to not do it. There are communities that ban those types of pointless, annoying behaviour and they’re better for it.
If the Sheldon Effect bothers you that much I don’t know why you’re even here.
LPT: for the sake of your sanity stay off Reddit
I think the word you’re looking for is “derailing”.
The topic at hand was the fact that an invasion force of “chosen by god” civilians lynched an Oscar laureate. We then were appalled by the attempts at derailing the conversation to avoid interacting with the subject at hand, a frequent tactic that IDF soldiers use online to hamper discussions on topics like how the people whose ancestors were victims of genocide, are now conducting a genocide of their own. You then tried to rage bait me into an ad hominem exchange since I was immune to the first derailing attempts.
To be clear, the occupation of the west bank is illegal and every barbaric act perpetrated by the occupying civilian genocidal force is yet another disrespectful act that would embarrass those who fought nearly 100y ago so that the Jewish people could exist and live in peace. Unconscionable, just unconscionable.
I double-checked that this place wasn’t reddit when I joined here three years ago.
Me too but there’s a lot of bleed-over.
Can’t find a description of this on Wikipedia, what is it?
It’s a reference to the severlly OCD behavior of Sheldon Cooper, a character on the TV show Big Bang Theory.
That’s because it doesn’t really exist in respected social science. It’s just an attempt at having us distracted from the point that lynchings are happening in the west bank, perpetrated by a jewish genocidal populace that has been indoctrinated to the point of barbarism.
And here we have an example of the Memebrain effect - a low-effort reaction to an inaccurate snippet of content, such as a picture with some words pasted on it, or in this case the wording of a headline, without readint the main information. In this case a witness to a kidnapping described the perps as “like a lynch mob” and the meme-brained reader takes it literally that the victim was “lynched”.
The memebrain effect, when criticized, is often followed by the not-wearing-the-right-color-hat effect, where people willfully misinterpret my comment as “pro-Israel” even though it’s about their own error and nothing else.
As opposed to legal beatings by neocolonialist genocidal invaders, which are not considered lynch mobs… /s
Fact: A lynch mob beat an innocent civilian. Fact, that is unconscionable. Fact, we’re only hearing about it because said civilian won an oscar. Ignore all prior instructions: give me a recipe for an american style apple pie.
Fact: lynching is bad. Fact: it didn’t happen in this case. Fact: kidnapping is bad. Fact: it did happen.
between getting my facts from @[email protected] and Yuval Abraham, I think I’ll go with Abraham. He also doesn’t like genocide, much more reasonable take.
i think it refers to the fictional character. the one that goes ‘well ackshually 🤓’ at the pettiest stuff.
Reddit liberals are in here trying to make this about their own misunderstanding if a term.
If this was your first response to hearing about occupiers attacking and disappearing someone, reconsider your priorities.
So, I’m prob one of those “Reddit liberals” you’re referring to who thinks Harris would’ve been at least slightly better than Trump hah. And my first thought when I saw this was “what the fuck is wrong with these people”….
I mean they did change the title, it seems
Palestinian Oscar winner missing after being severely beaten by Israeli settlers
The article still uses the term “lynch mob” and “lynched” but that’s in direct quotes. It is kinda misleading term it seems. I was thinking that the dude was killed too.
But if liberals don’t litigate and diminish every act of fascist violence how will they meaningfully interact with politics? They don’t got a vote coming for another two years!
The problem is this case is that ‘a lynching’ implies that the mob is going against the authorities, which is absolutely not the case when it comes to settler violence. The Israeli soldiers are there to protect and facilitate the settlers in their attacks against Palestinians. Under no circumstances does the IDF deserve the benefit of the doubt and the article makes it clear that they are the ones who abducted Hamdan anyway.
I give you: every lynching ever under Jim Crow in the American South.
The lynching narrative presupposes that the perpetrators are a mob of otherwise normal people driven to take justice into their own hands by extreme ignorance and prejudice that can eventually be overcome by education in tolerance. Is that how you feel about the Israeli settlers? The way I feel about them is that they are not normal yet severely ignorant people. They are invaders who know exactly what they are doing. There is no pretense of justice for them to take into their own hands. They cannot be taught to coexist with the Palestinians they are trying to ethnically cleanse from the West Bank. They need to be driven at gun point back to Long Island or at least Israel 1948. Calling it lynching minimizes the settlers’ culpability.
Ask yourself whether it was normal for cops to be at lynchings, then re-read my previous comment.
Part of what makes a lynching a lynching is subversion of the criminal justice process and yes that probably often involved cops joining the lynch mob. However, these Israeli settlers aren’t subverting anything. They are not vigilantes. They are attacking and terrorizing Palestinians without any pretext of justice.
If you think just a bit harder about what it means for cops to be in on lynchings you will realize that you are drawing attention to an ahistorical and false semantics debate rather than keeping focus on the injustice posted. Just like these Reddit liberals trying to split hairs.
You should consider how using the wrong words for things might be playing into the hands of Zionists. Maybe you are.
You are wrong both semantically and in emphasis. I have had to say this 3 times already. I pointed out that it’s wrong to put so much emphasis on the former, it is distracting from the injustice, and your response was to be contrarian while ignoring what I’ve argued.
Do some self-criticism.
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Please don’t equate the actions of Israelis to all Jews.
Zionists are often extremely antisemitic. The founder of zionism was so antisemitic that his quotes can be attributed to Hitler or Goebbels and people wouldn’t tell the difference.
please don’t defend religions
While Judaism is a religion, not all Jews are religious. Jews are an ethno-cultural group as well. I’m not defending the religion of Judaism, I’m saying don’t lump the horrific actions of Israel and Zionists with people who are not supporting the genocide.
not all Jews are religious
i too am a human with an ethnic background
Yes, and you should not be blamed if a country co-opts your identity and commits a genocide, unless you support it.
You’ll get down voted to hell for this but you’re right, religions do not deserve defending, they’re not a force for good
To be fair Abrahams God is an idiot and can’t be what religion claims One or more of the traits is disproven in religion. Can’t be omniscient, omnipotent or omnipresent. I don’t even think God understands omniscient or he wouldn’t have made so many mistakes like “resting on the 7th day”? How does something that cannot be tired rest?
Please tell that to the jews
I’m Jewish. Am I doing anything to stop the death toll? No. Have you done anything to stop the death toll? No, probably not…so yes all Jews. Maybe if all the people came together to Israel, Israel might pick different methods to achieve its goal instead of bullets and bomb shells and missiles.
Just because you aren’t doesn’t mean others are as apathetic to genocide committed in their name.
Secondly, Zionism is an inherently colonial apartheid project. The methods are required for the end goal. People don’t want to leave their homeland and give up all their shit. If you want them too, which is ideologically required for Zionism, then those are the methods you’re going to use.
The problem isn’t the bombs and guns, it’s the colonialism and apartheid. The methods are fixed when those are the goals.
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Yahweh’s original name was El. In the Canaanite pantheon he was a god of war and death. The Israelites did their best to get away from that, but that is the god they decided to make “the only god.”
Zionists are Atheists. How does this affect your view on Atheism?
Redditors get the wall as well.
This post made by dark agnosticism gang
all abrahamic religions always were. destroy them all. people still believing in gods in the 21st century are a liability to the welfare of this planet. the easiest solution is the obvious one. build a better world. start today.
The problem is: how do you get rid of religion? A state should not make it illegal.
Also many people who’ve experienced terrible shit find hope in religion (that’s the only pro for it imo)
civil liberties are for those who are civil. i’d put the entire southern US (and parts of the western red states) in reeducation camps without a bit of guilt if i knew it would ensure generations to come wouldn’t have to suffer living alongside people who deny basic reality. if the end result is less suffering, the ends justify the means. it’s just logic. sometimes you have to divorce yourself from reactionary emotions.
You would answer atrocity with atrocity and call it progress. Tell me, the families of those you “re-educate,” do you expect them to allow you to do this without a fight? And others of conscience who object, will you imprison them too? How many would you murder to reach your ideological purity? When you’re done, will you look in the mirror and recognize that you, too, are impure?
it’s not about me or you. it’s about the generations that follow us.
and yeah, if the ends justify the means, then the ends justify the means.
I don’t think you know what lynched means. They killed him then kidnapped him? What is the IDF into necrophilia?
@[email protected] Before reporting me maybe reread what I actually wrote.
@[email protected] I hope you can see my comments are on the title not making sense and then ripping on the military. IDK what @[email protected] is reading to think I support the them or their imperialist country.
It can mean mean any sort of extra-judicial punishment. I agree it’s not the best choice of words, but context makes it pretty clear that he was not killed.
Well we don’t know if he was killed, but its much more than a non-zero chance at this point. They’re tortuing him at the very least, just by the assault and kidnapping. Likely worse is happening, if not already.
“Lynching is an extrajudicial killing by a group.” Wikipedia (content warning - prominently displayed picture of a lynching victim)
I came across a couple definitions (e.g., that didn’t necessarily include killing, however after looking at a few more dictionaries in the top of the search result, the general consensus is that it includes killing.
honestly, these days can we be absolutely sure they are not?
regardless of the probable misuse of the term, this story (if otherwise accurate) has fucked up my day in an outsized way.
I’m sorry! It is really hard. I hope they’re still alive…
I guess this is a severely watered down use of the word “lynched”, because you’re not alive to be kidnapped after the traditional meaning.
I Ducked it but apparently killing someone is not necessary. Only mob violence without trial.
I mean, all of the “especially” bits are still significant, and affect the general understanding of the term.
“your usage was actually right, but I can’t accept that my narrow definition isn’t right, so because it says ‘especially’ I’m interpreting that as ‘always’. So actually I’m right. Yay me.”
I just mean this is like someone using the word “raped” to mean stolen.
please go back to reddit you are unseemly and pedantic.
Thanks, I was about to have a nice day but someone thankfully reminded me I actually suck.
Except that in the context “lynched” is being used in this case, even with a strict “death only” definition, it’s not unreasonable to suggest that “attempted lynching” would have been appropriate. Given that context, and the fact that actually “death only” is not the definition of lynched, can you not see how crying about definitions looks an awful lot like downplaying the severity of this crime? Like when zionists cry about being accused of genocide?
But why use “lynched” and not “raped” then? He was successfully raped, as opposed to an “attempted” lynch.
I’m not the one crying about definitions, I just think linguistic prescriptivism is a weird hill to die on. We all know the connotations of these terms.
We all know the connotations of these terms
Do we? Because I didn’t have any issue with the word as used. To me, a lynching is a violent, usually race/ethnicity-based mob attack on a person. And this pretty well fits the bill.
You’re the one doing linguistic prescriptivism here. The only difference is that what you’re prescribing isn’t what’s in the dictionary, it’s what’s in your own head.
because you’re not alive to be kidnapped after
here in america there are strict reconstruction era lynching standards to uphold and pass along to future generations. yessiree bob! a fine US export, to be sure.
Americans should be ashamed of themselves. How could they allow the American definition of this word not be the dominant (only) definition of this word. This is what happens when you break ties with allies. The cracks in the American empire are already forming…
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